Owlipedia Wikia

Kup is a Non-Weegee created by Samaweegee to defeat Owli after Owli had defeated the Weegee Killers, the Bot Corporation and the Higgly Corporation many times, however he failed many times to Owli, the citizens of the Bawt Galaxy and the Weegee Air Rangers, he is bossy around with Waene, Twinkel and Yubie and is Samaweegee's general of the Weegee Killers.

He is friends with Peenee, Weegario, Eubie, Wayne, Twinkle, Kip, Wiki, Tini, Jax, Fran, Weewee, Killagamiicho, Luialleo, Reegee, Sooteegee, Farteegee, Luigi, Dr. Scientisteegee, Plankteegee, Skodwarde, Sqeegee, Sqalleo, Sqeenee, Bleedgee, Pollie Polie, Olie Polie, Billy Bevel, Screwy, Osama Bin Weegee and Sprengbib.
